St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is committed to the education and training of the next generation of research scientists. St. Jude trainees are able to learn from clinical and basic science investigators who work in close proximity and interact regularly to translate scientific discoveries into improved therapies for children. If you are a highly motivated individual who wants to work at a world-class institution with state of the art facilities and learn from investigators at the forefront of their fields, consider advancing your research training at St. Jude.
Multiple postdoctoral positions are available in the laboratory of Dr. Thirumula-Devi Kanneganti, Department of Immunology at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital for an outstanding and highly motivated candidate to investigate cellular signaling in the immune system. We are particularly interested in dissecting the signaling pathways involved in innate and adaptive immune responses and cell death (NLRs, inflammasomes). Please see the following articles:
Cell (2021) 184(1)_149-168.e17.
Cell (2020) 181(3):674-687.e13.
Nature (2019) 573(7775):590-4.
Nature Microbiology (2019) 4(2):316-27.
Cell (2018) 173:1–14.
Journal of Experimental Medicine (2018) 215(4):1023-34.
Nature (2016) 540:583-7.
Science Immunology (2016) 1(2):aag204-5.
Cell (2015) 162(1):45-58.
Nature Immunology (2015) 16(5):467-75.
Immunity (2015) 42(4):654-64.
Nature (2014) 516(7530):246-9.
Nature (2013) 498(7453):224-7.
The laboratory of Dr. Thirumala-Devi Kanneganti offers a remarkable training environment for postdoctoral fellows focused on the innate immune system, including an opportunity to collaborate with researchers in the departments of Immunology, Infectious Diseases, and cancer biology. Generous salary support and a benefits package that includes professional development funds for journal subscriptions and travel to meetings are available. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital has state-of-the-art facilities including core laboratories for proteomics, microarray analysis of gene expression, transgenic/knock-out technology and animal facilities from biosafety level 2 to enhanced biosafety level 3.
Candidates should have a recent PhD, DVM, MD/PhD in biomedical sciences with practical experience in immunology (innate and adaptive immune responses) and must be hard working and highly motivated. Qualified applicants are encouraged to apply by emailing their CV to